
Birds Health

Birds Health and Concerns

It is important to be aware of the common bird diseases and disorders that can affect your precious pet. Early detection of illness is key to successful treatment in pet birds, so it is crucial to learn about some of the most common illnesses that affect birds in captivity.






A balanced diet based on sound bird nutrition recommendations is the key. Balancing a parrot's diet from the beginning may prevent many health and behavior problems. But it's never too late to get your pet bird on a firm nutritional footing.

Fancy Birds

Proventricular Dilatation Disease(PDD)

Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) is one of the most confounding avian disorders. The disease affects the nerves that supply the bird's gastrointestinal tract, though it can also affect nerves that supply other organs, too. PDD is also known as Macaw Wasting Syndrome and Parrot Wasting Syndrome because it's most commonly diagnosed in Macaws, African grey parrots, Amazon parrots, cockatoos, and conures. Symptoms of PDD include weight loss, vomiting, changes in the bird's droppings, and a swollen crop, which is the muscular pouch near the throat.

Psittacosis(Parrot Fever)

Psittacosis, or "Parrot Fever," is a form of the Chlamydia bacterium that can affect all hookbills. The disease is highly contagious and can be passed from birds to other animals, as well as humans. Symptoms of Psittacosis aren't specific, but they include difficulty in breathing, nasal and eye discharge, inappetence, and loose, watery droppings with general lethargy.

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease(PBFD)

PBFD is a serious illness that can affect all members of the parrot family and has been referred to as "bird AIDS," given the similarity between the diseases. Although most affected birds are under the age of two years, PBFD can affect birds of any age. Symptoms of PBFD include feather loss, abnormal feather development, the absence of powder down (dander), and growths, lesions, and abnormalities of the beak.


Polyomavirus is a disorder that affects caged birds, particularly parrots. Birds that are newborn or juveniles are most at risk, and the disease is usually fatal. Symptoms of polyomavirus include appetite loss, an enlarged abdomen, paralysis, and diarrhea. Some birds may not show outward symptoms at all, but are carriers of the virus and may shed it in times of stress, posing a risk of infection to other birds in the home.


Candida, or Candidiasis, is a fungal infection that can affect the digestive tract of all species of birds. The disease involves an overgrowth of yeasts that are normally found in a bird's digestive system.2 Mycotic Diseases Of Pet Birds. Veterinary Manual, 2020 Common symptoms of Candida infections include white lesions in and around the mouth and throat, vomiting, appetite loss, and a crop that is slow to empty. The bird might appear to be lethargic.

Birds Nutrition and Diet


Many bird diets lack certain vitamins and minerals that birds need, which can lead to a host of serious health conditions.


Remember to never serve raw beans to your companion bird as they can be toxic unless cooked. Let beans to cool, and then offer to your bird


You can serve your bird either popped or unpopped kernels. If you choose to serve the popcorn unpopped, boil the kernels for a bit in plain water.


Be sure never to give your bird microwaved popcorn. These varieties are extremely high in fat and salt, which can be harmful to your bird's health.

Birds Behavior and Training

Hormonal Behavior

Hormonal vocalizations to be the most off-putting part of dealing with their birds during mating season, but try to resist the urge to scold your bird.


If Bird's territoriality issues are becoming a lasting problem in mating season (typically spring for most species),Then add Vit D3 and Calcium in their diets.

Feather Plucking

It can be a potential symptom of avian illness. Immediately add immunity enhancers and consult by an avian veterinarian.


Provide plenty of toys that can stimulate the bird's natural inclination to play. Toys should be plentiful which allows the bird to stretch their wings.